Onion is a great source of minerals and it not only helps regulate the blood sugar of the body because it is a great source of chromium but it also increases the production of good cholesterol and helps keeps your heart in shape. Apart from these great benefits onion is shown to play a role in preventing cancer, gastric ulcer and is a great at reducing inflammation and infections. But I am sure you are not here to learn about these things. So straight to business.
Onion is known as one of the greatest aphrodisiac foods, it helps increase libido and also strengthens the reproductive organs. Onions also increase the testosterone levels in the body and can help in increasing the sexual stamina.
Four Ways To Consume Onions For Your Sexual Benefit
1.Onion Juice: Blend onion with water, the resulting juice is the onion juice, which is good for your sexual stamina. The juice is bitter, so you should sip it slowly so that it doesn't shock your system.
2. Onion with Garlic: This is blending onion with garlic, this mixture is called the sex tonic, by the name, you can imagine the impact
3. Onion with Butter: Another great recipe, chop a good deal of onion and fry them in butter, consume first thing in the morning. You can also consume with honey. This mixture is great for penile health.
4. Onion with Honey: Honey is a conception aid. It is known for its medicinal properties. Regular use of honey can strengthen the immune system and boost sexual performance in men and women. Therefore, honey is recommended for men suffering from impotence and women who suffer from infertility. When onion juice and honey are combined together, they form a good mixture which can be used to cure impotence.
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